2.1 Variables and Constants


Variables and constants are fundamental concepts in any programming language, including Go. Variables store data that can change over time, while constants hold values that cannot be modified after they are defined. Understanding how to declare, initialize, and use variables and constants is essential for writing efficient and clear Go programs. In this chapter, we will explore how to declare variables, work with different types of variables, and understand the role of constants in Go.

Declaring Variables in Go

Go provides several ways to declare variables, depending on whether you want to specify the type explicitly or allow Go to infer it for you.

1. Using the var Keyword

The most explicit way to declare a variable in Go is by using the var keyword. You can declare a variable with or without an initial value.

    • var is the keyword to declare a variable.
    • name is the variable name.
    • string is the type of the variable (in this case, a string).
    • "Alice" is the initial value assigned to the variable.

Multiple variable declarations:You can declare multiple variables at once using a single var statement.

var x, y int = 10, 20
var a, b = 1.5, "hello"

In the first line, both x and y are declared as int and initialized to 10 and 20, respectively. In the second line, a and b are initialized with inferred types (float64 and string).

Declaration without an initial value:You can declare a variable without initializing it right away. In this case, Go assigns a zero value to the variable (default value for the type).

var age int

Here, age is an integer variable that has the default zero value of 0.

Declaration with an initial value:

var name string = "Alice"

In this example:

2. Short Variable Declaration (:=)

Go allows you to declare and initialize variables in a shorthand form using the := syntax. This method infers the variable type based on the initial value provided and is commonly used inside functions.

  • Limitations of :=:
    • This method can only be used within functions. It cannot be used for global variables.
    • You cannot omit the initial value when using :=, as Go needs the value to infer the type.


name := "Alice"
age := 25

In this example, the name variable is inferred to be of type string, and age is inferred to be of type int.

Variable Types in Go

Go is a statically typed language, meaning that the type of a variable is determined at compile time. Some commonly used types include:

Basic Types:

  1. Integer types:
    • int: Default integer type, architecture-dependent (typically 32-bit or 64-bit).
    • int8, int16, int32, int64: Signed integers with specific bit sizes.
    • uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64: Unsigned integers.
  2. Floating-point types:
    • float32, float64: Floating-point numbers, where float64 is the default type for decimal numbers.
  3. Boolean:
    • bool: Represents true or false.
  4. String:
    • string: A sequence of characters.

Example of Declaring Variables with Different Types:

var x int = 10
var pi float64 = 3.14159
var isAvailable bool = true
var greeting string = "Hello, World!"

Default Zero Values:

If you declare a variable without initializing it, Go assigns a default zero value based on the variable's type:

  • For numeric types, the default is 0.
  • For bool, the default is false.
  • For string, the default is an empty string ("").
var x int     // x is 0
var y bool    // y is false
var z string  // z is ""

Constants in Go

Constants are similar to variables but cannot be changed once they are set. In Go, constants are declared using the const keyword, and they must be assigned a value at the time of declaration.

1. Declaring Constants

Type inference in constants:Like variables, Go can infer the type of constants if it's not explicitly specified.

const name = "Alice"

Here, name is a constant of inferred type string.

Basic constant declaration:

const pi float64 = 3.14159

In this example, pi is a constant of type float64 and holds the value 3.14159.

2. Multiple Constants Declaration

You can declare multiple constants at once using a grouped const block:

const (
    pi     = 3.14159
    e      = 2.71828
    isTrue = true

3. Untyped Constants

Go allows constants to be untyped, meaning they can take on a different type depending on how they are used.

const pi = 3.14159

Here, pi is an untyped constant and can be used as a float32, float64, or even as an integer when used in a context that requires it.

4. Benefits of Constants

  • Readability: Constants give your code meaningful names for values that don’t change, improving readability.
  • Maintainability: If a constant value needs to be changed, it can be modified in one place without needing to update multiple parts of the code.
  • Performance: Constants can be evaluated at compile time, improving the overall performance of your program.

Examples of Variables and Constants

Let’s look at an example of how variables and constants can be used in a Go program:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Declaring variables
    var name string = "Alice"
    age := 25

    // Declaring constants
    const pi = 3.14159
    const city string = "New York"

    // Using variables and constants
    fmt.Println("Name:", name)
    fmt.Println("Age:", age)
    fmt.Println("Pi:", pi)
    fmt.Println("City:", city)

    // Changing variable value
    name = "Bob"
    fmt.Println("Updated Name:", name)

    // Uncommenting the following line will cause an error because constants cannot be changed:
    // pi = 3.14


Name: Alice
Age: 25
Pi: 3.14159
City: New York
Updated Name: Bob

In this example:

  • We declare and initialize variables name and age, and constants pi and city.
  • The value of the variable name is updated, but constants like pi cannot be modified after declaration.


In this chapter, we learned how to declare and use variables and constants in Go. We explored the different ways to declare variables, how type inference works, and the default zero values for variables. We also discussed the benefits of using constants in Go programs. In the next chapter, we will dive deeper into data types and operations you can perform on variables and constants.

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Jamie Larson